
Kilka postow nizej uswiadamialam sobie i innym, jak kazdy z nas moze zmienic swiat poprzez dzielenie sie (czasem, pieniedzmi, talentem, sercem), i ja dzisiaj mialam wielki zaszczyt, radosc i satysfakcje z zakonczenia akcji na rzecz walki z rakiem piersi: Making Strides Against Breast Cancer gdzie udalo mi sie zaangazowac pracownikow mojego biura w zbiorke pieniedzy i dolaczenie do kilkutysiecznego 5-milowego marszu.... a wlasciwie duzo wiecej niz marszu...
"Making Strides Against Breast Cancer is more than just the name of a walk, it describes the amazing progress we're making in the fight against breast cancer, and it describes our commitment to defeat this disease together! Nothing can describe the hope that is inspired by walking with those who share a passion for defeating breast cancer. Because nearly everyone has been touched by this disease in some way, we've decided to walk together as a team in the American Cancer Society's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk."

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