To my younger son

Dearest Martin*,

I am so happy we have you in our family.
You are the nicest, sweetest little boy that a family could dream of.
You always smile with this cute little face of yours.
Cute dimples in your cheeks and all.
Big, big smiles.
From the moment we saw you you looked perfect.
The most beautiful baby ever.
People would stop us on the street to say how cute you were.
You are so handsome now.
I look at you, I watch you when you don't realize -- like all the time.
And every time I look I wonder how beautiful you are.
Just perfect!
But we make sure to tell you that you are beautiful both inside and out.
Because you are also such a good boy.
You never cried when you were a baby.
The easiest of all family babies, for sure! :)
You are the pleaser and you listen.
You love doing things together.
You love helping.
And when we praise you, you shine!
So proud and happy.
When we ask you who do you want to be when you grow up,
you have it all figure out.
You say that you don't want to become anybody and you just want to stay in Mommy's and Daddy's home :)
You don't want to be a policeman, firefighter or race car driver.
Nothing of that 4-year old nonsense.
No, you just want to stay home.
You are so strong and confident.
But not so interested in exploring. New things do not seem interesting to you.
Because you are like that.
Love being in familiar environment.
You thrive on routine, family and comfort.
But who knows maybe in the future you will become the explorer in the family.
The 4-year old you does not define your future. 
We call you our "pillow" because you are so snugly and lovely.
You could easily sit on my knees and snuggle the whole movie and I love it.
I pretend to be watching with you but in reality I smell your hair and bury my head in your neck.
To remember this sweet little boy forever.  
I know that you will be fine when you grow up.
People warm up to you.
To your smile and easy character.
You are so kind that it won't be difficult to walk through life like that.
We could not love you more!

* Letters to my children. I will write to each one, in English, hoping they will read one day.

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