Message from the Managing Partner

Dostalam wlasnie taki email od wspolniczki zarzadzajacej nasza grupa, ktora jest jednym z najwiekszych wspolnikow w firmie. Mile z jej strony, chyba.

"Dear Aleks, I heard the news regarding the exam. Please do not be concerned in any way. So many colleagues and friends have had this experience, and in the long term it's insignificant. In the short term, it's simply a great tedium.

One of my closest friends at my former firm, a young Israeli partner who was known as one of the most brilliant lawyers and rainmakers in the firm, took the bar in California after relocating there with his wife. He was an equity partner at the time. He failed the California bar, as a partner. In part, this was likely due to the fact that English is not his first language - he speaks 5 language, English is number 3, so despite his incredible record as a practicing lawyer, test-taking under "speed" conditions still challenged his command of nuances in the language. As you can predict, he retook it, and he was smart enough to let his new firm know that his talent as a lawyer was in no way impacted. He continues to rise through the ranks, has since become a true leader in his field (tech transactions), and still speaks 5 languages.

All this is to say,we have great confidence in your legal skills, and you have total support as you move forward. So no worries, okay?"


  1. Trzymaj sie Olu, to jest budujace, ze masz takie poparcie w firmie. Myslimy i trzymamy za Ciebie kciuki. Caluje, RK

  2. Ola to super że ktoś właśnie Cie 'podbudował' psychicznie. Ja sama wiem jak bardzo trudne jest się uczenie w obcym języku, a co dopiero zdawanie egzaminu w nie-ojczystym jężyku... Tak więc głowa do góry, zwłaszcza że Ci zabrakło dosłownie paru punktów...

  3. Wow- strasznie mily list, mam nadzieje ze uwierzylas w to ze w zadnym wypadku egzamin nie jest wymiernikiem Twojej wiedzy!!!

  4. Przykro mi Olu. To musi być dołujące, zwłaszcza, że tak niewiele zabrakło.
    Wierzę, że w lipcu będzie lepiej.

    A w firmie jak widzę i tak bardzo Cie cenią, więc nie ma co się martwić.



  5. super babka z klasa. zupelnie tak jak Ty :*

  6. so...will be good :) but I can imagine how hard is it for you :(

    But....uszy do gory!!!

    Pozdrawiam serdecznie



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