25 Random Things About Me That I’m Sure You Were Dying to Know

Wybaczcie, ze po angielsku, ale napisalam to dla mojego profilu na stronie facebook, [ktora jest amerykanskim (i miedzynarodowym) odpowiednikiem 'naszej-klasy', tylko fajniejszym ;)] w odpowiedzi na klepniecie jednej z kolezanek:

Oto ja:

1. I love kids. I have one 3-year-old-smart-cookie.
2. I can’t decide if I want 2 or 3 kids. This bothers me, since I’m a planner.
3. When I met my husband, I already had a boyfriend.
4. Few days later, I broke up with that boyfriend because I decided I wanted to marry a guy like my husband. That was 8 years ago.
5. I love, love, love the beach. My dream house is located right on the ocean. But I don’t like to swim.
6. I am a perfectionist.
7. This caused me a lot of unnecessary stress in my life.
8. I wear make-up almost every day, but I hate doing my hair.
9. I often cry at movies. And occasionally at commercials, when I’m hyper-hormonal.
10. My dream career is a lawyer who specializes in international adoptions.
11. I often wish I had tried harder in school. Including law school.
12. I have a very low tolerance for pain.
13. I ~love~ to shop. For anything. And everything. Even groceries.
14. I am a major coward. I will never ever even consider jumping out of an airplane or bungee jumping.
15. I am not a morning person, but I often wish that I was.
16. I am totally and completely addicted to coffee. And I love it.
17. Clutter seriously stresses me out. To keep my house clutter-free, I like to throw things away.
18. I have horrible eyesight.
19. I am forever grateful to whoever invented contact lenses.
20. I love to drink diet soda.
21. And I don’t believe for one minute that it will give me cancer.
22. I like white wine. And beer.
23. I don’t like to cook. Sorry, these meatballs were from Costco :)
24. I read a lot and don’t watch much TV.
25. I wish my family (including my cool cousins) would visit me more often.


  1. e, no Ola, to cala TY :-* ale ja tam jeszcze pare rzeczy bym dopisala. Np flexible jestes, a to wazna cecha.

  2. Przeczytałam z wielką przyjemnością i muszę przyznać, że mamy parę wspólnych cech! :)

  3. Nie wiedzialam o nr. 11 bo wydaje mi sie, ze juz teraz mocno sie starasz.
    A te 'meatballs from Costco' to chyba tylko dla wtajemniczonych :)

    Pa, RK :)

  4. Basia, serio? A jak to bedzie po polsku??? ;)

    Taita, powiedz jakie bo teraz moge sie tylko domyslac i pewnie sie myle. Pewnie nr. 25?

    RK, tak meatballs tylko dla scislego kregu, ale tobie moge zdradzic ... kiedys ;) Buziaki, Ola

  5. Oj, sporo tego - w zasadzie większość pasuje do mnie: 5-9, 11-14, 16 i 24 :) Pozdrawiam cieplutko :)

  6. Taita, super, to musimy sie wybrac razem na zukupy i kawe :)

  7. Hie, hie :) Na to wygląda ;) A potem może do kina na jakiś melodramat, a tam odstawimy niezłą szopkę, zalewając się łzami ;)

  8. Hihi, no prosze i jeszcze pani ma super poczucie humoru - to cos co lubie :) Pozdrawiam cie serdecznie, Taito!


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