Goodbye Note

Ukladam swoja notke pozegnalna do pracy. Mam na moim Above the Law kilka swietnych przykladow prawnikow, ktorzy odeszli z wielkich korporacji i wyslali takie pozegnania.

"Today is my last day at Sidley. You may keep in touch with me at, through Facebook at or via Twitter. Beginning next week, I am walking from Delaware to California with a tent and my dog, Mabel. I will have limited access to email, but will check messages frequently." :

Komentujacy okreslili to jako: Coolest ‘f**k you I quit’ email….

Lub inny od starszego wspolnika: :

"I have realized that I cannot simultaneously meet the demands of career and family. Without criticizing those who have chosen lucre over progeny, let me just say that I am leaving the practice of law. My epiphany may have come a bit late as my youngest child — I believe his name is Erik — is 24. But as I always said after missing a filing deadline, better late than never. I have made friendships at Sidley that I will treasure well into the first quarter of 2012….

Super, nabija sie z tego nie prawie nie pamieta imienia swojego syna, i nie ukrywa, ze przyjaznie z pracy to zadne przyjaznie. Podziele sie w Wami moja notka jak juz uloze i podam przelozonym.

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